Värnamo Sliperi & Glasmästeri AB (VSG) is a member of the Svensk Planglasförening and follows the terms and conditions that the industry has developed. Below is information from the Swedish Planglas Association in PDF format:
General provisions for the purchase of goods in commercial construction, ABM 07.
Planglas, industry-specific addition 2009 09-01-01.
Planglas 2009, folder incl. appendices
Storage and handling of flat glass
Guidelines for quality assessment and complaint management of flat glass, November 2016.
Scratches in glass. Information from the Swedish Planglas Association
Good advice and facts about glass. Information from the Swedish Planglas Association
Glass-proof environments - housing
Glass-proof environments - preschools
Glass-proof environments - public premises
The CE marking shows that our products comply with the current European technical standard.
The label shows, partly, glass, government and other users that different requirements / directives are met, on the one hand, that the required control of design and manufacturing takes place. The demands made relate inter alia to safety in use, health and environment.
In Sweden, the Boverket is exercising supervision to ensure compliance with the various requirements / directives. When a product meets the requirements of the legal text, the manufacturer may supply the product with the CE mark and sell it throughout the EU / EEA area without further approvals, adjustments or re-tests.
VSG has hired a Notified Body (Kiwa GmbH) to test products and control of production. All work within VSG AB has been documented, from the purchase of raw materials, manufacturing, deliveries and complaints. Kiwa performs control of technical documentation, factory control and manufacturing, type testing, ongoing monitoring and evaluation as well as approval of manufacturing control at the factory..
VSG AB currently has several CE marked products, but work is ongoing to certify more products to expand its product range. CE Marked Products Currently:
12150-2 VSG safety.pdf
14428 Showers
Thermally tempered glass EN 12150-2
Heat-reinforced glass EN 1863-1
Laminated glass EN 14449
Showers EN 14428